/***************************************************************************** * * Very Simple AJAX engine by U1I * Version: 0.1 * copyright of this javascript code to U1I. Do not modify. * *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * * HOWTO: * * 1. Simple Document Request * * loadXMLDoc(url, callback) * In java script code space or event code space of any element, * call this function to request and receive a xml document. * * url * The url of a xml document to download into current document. * * callback * When the asyncronous response has arrived, this callback function is * called back with one argument arrived string data. * * [EXAMPLE HTML CODE] * *
* Click Here *
* * 2. Document Request with Form data * * submitFormToXMLDoc(form_id, callback) * In java script code space or event code space of any element, * call this function to request and receive a xml document. * * form_id * The id of a form store form-elements containing data to use. * * callback * When the asyncronous response has arrived, this callback function is * called back with one argument arrived string data. * * [HTML CODE] * *
* * *
* * *****************************************************************************/ var xmlHTTPReq = null; var xmlHTTPReqCB = null; /* * some work to use XMLHTTPRequest Object */ function prepareXmlHTTPRequest() { if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { try { xmlHTTPReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) { xmlHTTPReq = false; } } else if(window.ActiveXObject) { try { xmlHTTPReq = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) { try { xmlHTTPReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) { xmlHTTPReq = false; } } } } function processReqChange() { if (xmlHTTPReq.readyState == 4) { // Loaded if (xmlHTTPReq.status == 200) { // only if "OK" xmlHTTPReqCB(unescape(xmlHTTPReq.responseText)); } else { alert("There was a problem retrieving the XML data:\n" + xmlHTTPReq.statusText); } } } /* * Simple Call for requesting Document */ function loadXMLDoc(url, cb) { prepareXmlHTTPRequest(); if (xmlHTTPReq) { xmlHTTPReqCB = cb; xmlHTTPReq.onreadystatechange = processReqChange; try { xmlHTTPReq.open("GET", url, true); xmlHTTPReq.send(""); } catch (e) { alert("There may be one or more problem to execute XML request"); } } delete xmlHTTPReq; } /* * call of Form element for requesting Document */ function submitFormToXMLDoc(form_id, cb) { var form; var method; var action; var postData = ""; form = document.getElementById(form_id); if ( !form ) { alert("check form id"); return false; } method = form.method.toUpperCase(); if ( !method ) { alert("form must have an attribute 'method'"); return false; } action = form.action; if ( !action ) { alert("form must have an attribute 'action'"); return false; } prepareXmlHTTPRequest(); if (xmlHTTPReq) { xmlHTTPReqCB = cb; xmlHTTPReq.onreadystatechange = processReqChange; } else { return false; } if (method == "POST") { xmlHTTPReq.open(method, action, true); if (xmlHTTPReq) { for (i=0; i